Wednesday, September 23, 2009

.NET Runtime version 2.0.50727.3074 - Fatal Execution Engine Error (73FE5FC0) (80131506) - WCF

VS2008 was crashing when I started debugging with WCF TestClient.

The Event Viewer as displaying the following : -

.NET Runtime version 2.0.50727.3074 - Fatal Execution Engine Error (73FE5FC0) (80131506)

Fix :

As suggested here : -

"Windows6.0-KB963676-x86.msu "

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Simple this that can get you in C#.

1. What is indexer in C# ?

Which one of the following code samples implements an indexer?
Choice 1
class CSharp {
public Item[int idx] {
get {...}
set {...}
Choice 2
class CSharp {
public object Item[int idx] {
get {...}
set {...}
Choice 3
class CSharp {
public object this[int idx] {
get {...}
set {...}
Choice 4
class CSharp {
public object CSharp[int idx] {
get {...}
set {...}
Choice 5
class CSharp {
public class Item[int idx] {
get {...}
set {...}


C# introduces a new concept known as Indexers which are used for treating an object as an array. The indexers are usually known as smart arrays in C# community. Defining a C# indexer is much like defining properties. We can say that an indexer is a member that enables an object to be indexed in the same way as an array.

   this [argument list]
// Get codes goes here
// Set codes goes here

Ans is 3 .

2. what is the differnece between readonly and const variables?
--> Const variable, value specified on design time

3. What is a static constructor in C#?
Things to know about Static Constructor

  1. It is used to initialize static data members.

  2. Can't access anything but static members.

  3. Can't have parameters

  4. Can't have access modifiers like Public, Private or Protected.